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Gender Based Violence Trainings

Description of the Project
The project focuses on working on the root cause of the Gender Based Violence (GBV) for Women, Children and Young People, at two wards in Moshi Rural. Using participatory approach, the project aims to empower the community to identify, set and implement strategies, monitor and review by using locally available resources.


The main objective is to provide a framework to reduce violence against women, children and youth of marginalized communities and to ensure that their needs for safety and support are met through human rights led-approach.
The strategy is to build capacity through participatory workshops on identifying root causes of the problem, motivations, priorities setting strategies for reducing and elimination of GBV at their communities themselves and action plan for sustaining the interventions by using locally available resources to attain the sustainability of the project and replication to other communities.



Activity 1: Inception Meetings
Introduction of the project to all stakeholders to increase the participation of community members and direct and indirect beneficiaries. The meeting was held at Kili Hub and was attended by around 25 people. Most of them were from the Government and represented the social welfare department, the community development department and NGOs coordinator, the health department, the police gender desk department, ward executive officers, village chairman, para social workers, religious leaders, and representatives from WOY board members.
The goal of the meeting was to introduce the project to the primary stakeholders and to request their cooperation and collaboration during the implementation of this project.
Activity 2: Community Participatory Action Workshop using Human Right-based Approach Tool
Identification by the community members the GBV issues using human right based-approach tool (motivations, context, priority, strategies & changes and monitoring & evaluation). This activity is to directly reach 30 people who themselves are expected to reach at least 3,430 people during their outreach activities, directly and indirectly.
Activity 3: Organize and Conduct 4 Communities Forum on GBV
The project is to facilitate the community to have forums and platform to discuss and come up with strategies to reduce GBV at their community level. 320 people (80 people x 4 forums) are expected to be directly reached by the project.
Activity 4: Organize and Conduct Caravan on GBV
This approach has shown the positive outcomes as it reaches high number of people at the community level with messages which focus on attitude change towards GBV. Each event will reach 750 people. The events will feature activities based on art, music and participatory theatre.
Activity 5: Peer-To-Peer Discussion on GBV
The peer education has helped behavior change and communication between people of the same age. This approach helps to build discussions and debates among peers which helps in positive outcomes. Peer-to-peer education on GBV messages and strategies for prevention is expecting to reach 160 people at the community level  (20 people x 8 peer to peer discussion). The peer educators involved have already been trained during a previous project.
Activity 6: Workshop on GBV & Social Networks
This workshop will comprise 30 people and will involve all stakeholders working on issues related to GBV as well as perpetrators of the GBV. It will also help participants to understand how social networks can be used to create awareness on GBV issues.
Activity 7: Monitoring Meeting with Stakeholders
Stakeholders will be involved to discuss the project progress and reviews and to share the challenges in order to take necessary measures to reach the intended goals of the project.
This project is supported by the Embassy of France.
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